정책 본문


Kakao Operation Policy

1. Please read the following information carefully before using the Service.

This Operation Policy prescribes standards for the Service Use and specific guidelines that you must abide by to consistently correspond to problematic situation in the Service, in the course of operating Kakao Account Service, various Internet and mobile services provided by Kakao Corporation (hereinafter, the "Company"). Unless you comply with this Operation Policy, you may suffer a disadvantage. The Company appreciates your taking time to read this Policy carefully.

Any term that is not defined herein shall be construed under the Kakao Comprehensive Terms and Conditions; provided that "Individual Service" refers to sub-services in an individual service on the brand level such as Kakao, Daum, etc.

The Company is committed to exert its utmost efforts to improve its service policies and to establish rational Operation Policy by continuously communicating with its users. Any modification hereof shall be notified no less than seven (7) days before its existence.

2. The Company applies this Operation Policy to provide better user experience.

The Company operates the Service under this Operation Policy to offer pleasant Services.

If any Member, during the Service use, has been damaged by other Member's infringement against this Policy, he/she can request the application of the Policy by reporting the aforementioned contravention to the Company, and the Company can take countermeasures under the Policy after examining the reported contents.

Furthermore, the Company can enforce restrictions against any activities prohibited herein or in breach of relevant laws and regulations without any report from its users, provided that the Company shall not intervene or take measures to resolve conflict between the Service users and/or damage caused by oneself.

In the event that sanctions are being imposed due to detected violation of operation policy via a report or other methods, the Company will notify a publisher of the details of such sanctions through notifications in the service, e-mails, etc. as quickly as possible; provided, however, that if it is urgent to protect other users or if it is impossible to deliver the details of a sanction, the Company shall be able to waive the notification mentioned above. Please note that the Company shall have no obligation to notify a reporter of investigation results.

Members can raise an appeal via Customer Center unless they are satisfied with the application results of the Policy, and the Company will reply to whether to accept the appeal after reviewing it.

3. The following activities are prohibited:

  • Prohibited Acts in creating and using the Account
    • (1)Create, use and delete the Account and user ID (hereinafter collectively called, "Account") by entering false information, or appropriating or stealing other's personal information or device
    • (2)Create, use and delete the Account by a person under 14 years old without consent of legal representative
    • (3)Exploit the vulnerability of the System for commercial, promotional, advertising, or malicious purposes
    • (4)Access or utilize the Service in a possible way of disrupting or destroying the normal operation of computer software, hardware, electronic communication devices, etc.
    • (5)Sell, transfer or lend his/her Account to others, and/or permit or attempt to permit use of the Account
    • (6)Attempt to purchase, obtain and/or exchange his/her Account to acquire other's Account, or arrange the foregoing act to another person
    • (7)Capture other's Account by fraud
    • (8)Massive or repeated creation, deletion and other acts similar thereto that cannot be considered the normal use of the Service
  • Activities prohibited in the Service Use
    • (1)Promote illegal gambling websites
    • (2)Sell, purchase, exchange or solicit tangible/intangible output, including game items, marks or accounts, etc.
    • (3)Sell or promote illegal products or products that are banned from selling on the Internet
    • (4)Post any content that contains information motivating or assisting illegal activities
    • (5)Distribute illegally filmed contents that is prohibited by the Telecommunications Business Act.
    • (6)Impede the use of the Service by posting programs containing viruses or malicious codes
    • (7)Interfere or destroy the normal operation of computer software, hardware, and electronic communication device, or any such activities to result in the forgoing
    • (8)Attempt to steal and disseminate personal information
    • (9)Share works of other people including broadcasts, music records, movies and animated films, photos, images, posting, etc. without consent of authors, or provide information or method that can be obtained via unlawful channels.
    • (10)Infringe other person's rights including trademark, design right, etc. without permission.
    • (11)Describe excessively lewd or exhibitionistic act to the Youth
    • (12)Post any content that pertains to prostitution
    • (13)Post any content that may sexually humiliate or offend others
    • (14)Provide videos or images containing contents of sexual exploitation of others, or actively express a will of providing or using such materials
    • (15)Threaten or entice others for the purpose of sexual exploitation, or conspire or encourage any such attempts
    • (16)Post any content that violates human dignity, incites violence, and instigates discrimination or prejudice due to reasons that include an individual's place of origin (including country and region), race, appearance, disability or illness, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other factors associated with an individual's identity(The Company abides by Kakao’s Principles to Counter Online Hate Speech and KISO Hate Speech Self-Governance Guideline)
    • (17)Aid and abet suicide or aim at commit mass suicide
    • (18)Repeatedly post the same content in the same Individual Service or diverse Individual Services
    • (19)Register on or transmit to other’s posts or online space commercial contents designed to advertise, promote, attract visits, send friend requests, or click ‘Likes,’ utilizing the System's vulnerability, without explicit permission from the person concerned.
    • (20)Cause damage or confusion to other users by appropriating the Service Name or personating officer or administrator of the Service to deceive other users or gain undue profits
    • (21)Use swear words, vulgar words or slang expressions, and conduct abnormal behavior against common sense and social norm
    • (22)Upload a posting that is deemed false among any postings that have form of articles with name or title of press company
    • (23)Disrupt the normal service operation including exploitation of the Service in a malicious way prohibited by the Company

4. Use of Account and Service may be restricted.

If your activities violate the relevant laws and regulations, terms and conditions, or operation policies, the Company shall be able to restrict your Kakao Account and your use of Services to protect other users. Please assure that if any activity that is not prescribed herein impedes on the provision of sound service environment or on the Service Use of other users, such activity shall be restricted hereunder. If specific use environment or patterns, which are deemed as abnormal logins or can possibly violate the Terms of Service or Operation Policies, are detected, user protection measures that restrict activities that are identical or similar to those detected may be put into effect in order to protect user activities.

The Service use shall be restricted temporarily or permanently, depending on the accumulated number of violation; provided, however, that lewd postings, gambling promotions, emergent risk or any explicit unlawful activities required to be prohibited under the relevant laws and regulations shall be restricted permanently without delay, regardless of the accumulated number of violation. If you adversely affect the provision of Comprehensive Services or severely interfere with the stable operation of Comprehensive Services by causing malfunction of equipment or by destroying or creating disorder in the system, the Company may restrict you from using your account. However, you can appeal through Customer Service if you are dissatisfied with the imposed restriction.

Details about Account and Service restrictions are a follows:

  • Restrictions of Account Use
    • (1)If any contravention against relevant laws, regulation, Terms of Service, or Operation policy occurs during creation or use of the Account, creation, use and deletion of the Account may be restricted.
    • (2)If any abnormal attempt to create, use or withdraw the Account is detected, use and withdrawal of the Account can be restricted; creation of the Account can be prohibited to deter such abnormal activity; and/or other necessary measures can be taken to delete such Account and prohibit reentrance, etc.
    • (3)Restriction of Account use shall be phased in from a temporary restrictions to a permanent restrictions, provided that permanent restrictions can be imposed immediately in case of need.
    • (4)If any attempt to appropriate your Account by other person is detected, the Company may request additional entry of your Password and authentication procedure to prevent the foregoing appropriation.
    • (5)To prevent others from using your Account without your permission, Password should be periodically changed to keep others from knowing it easily. The Company shall assume no responsibility for any unfortunate disadvantage caused by your negligent password maintenance.
  • Restrictions of Service Use
    • (1)If any contravention against relevant laws, regulation, terms of service, or operation policy occurs during the use of individual services, such service use may be thereby restricted; provided, however, that the Comprehensive Service's full use can be restricted temporarily or permanently to protect other users in the case of explicit tort prohibited under the relevant laws and regulations, or emergency risks or damage propagation required to be blocked. Also, any users who have not agreed to the Kakao Comprehensive Terms of Service may be temporarily or permanently restricted from using all the services associated with Kakao Account.
    • (2)If any contravention is detected, the Company can limit exposure of, or delete postings to prevent them from being seen by other users. Furthermore, all or part of the Service Use can be restricted, such as restricting the use of writing features and/or hiding posts, to prevent continuous contraventions and/or additional damages.
    • (3)Restriction of Service use shall be phased in from a temporary restrictions to a permanent restrictions, provided that permanent restrictions can be imposed immediately in case of need.

5. The Company has a Zero-tolerance Policy for sex offenses against children or juveniles.

The Company takes the protection of children and juveniles from harmful Internet environments as one of the essential duties.

Therefore, zero-tolerance policies shall be applied to sex offenses against children or juveniles.
If a user violates relevant operation policies, the most strict restriction shall be imposed on the use of related account and service, regardless of the cumulative number of violation. Moreover, substantial measures shall be taken, such as collaboration with investigative authority's judicial actions if necessary.

If you observe the occurrence of sex offenses against children or juveniles or any such possible situations, please report to our 24/7 Report Center. You can also report a case via the 'Report' feature in each service.
The Company will receive your report and take the necessary measures immediately.

The following sex offense or enticement against children or juveniles or any expression of a will to use the related contents shall be subject to zero-tolerance policies.

  • Produce, provide, advertise and/or introduce child/juvenile exploitation material
  • Wittingly possess or use child/juvenile exploitation material
  • Help lure children or juveniles into being involved in the production of sexual exploitation
  • Provide lewd content or sexual exploitation material to children or juveniles
  • Prostitute children or juveniles
  • Conspire or describe sex offenses against children or juveniles
  • Groom children or juveniles
  • Sexually objectify children or juveniles
  • Any other attempts to encourage sex offenses against children or juveniles

Please refer to Help to learn more about this policy.

The Company will exert its utmost efforts to prevent sex offenses against children or juveniles through its various technologies and policies.

6. Long-Term Service Use Inactivity Policy

The Service Agreement may be terminated after personal information is destroyed or stored separately, as prescribed below, if the user does not use the Service for a specific amount of time, in order to protect the user’s personal information.

  • Kakao Account User
    • (1)i) Unless a Member uses his/her Kakao Account in any of Individual Services that constitute the Comprehensive Services for one (1) year, ii) unless any user who has not agreed to the Kakao Comprehensive Terms of Service use his/her Kakao Account in any service associated with Kakao Brand, his/her Kakao Account shall be inactive and any information therein shall be stored separately.
    • (2)Unless the aforementioned member logs into for four (4) years thereafter, his/her personal information shall be destroyed and the relevant account shall be deleted.
    • (3)Provided that any personal information in the KakaoTalk Service shall be destroyed, and the Service shall be terminated thereby in case of conversion to Inactive Account.
  • KakaoTalk users who have no Kakao Account
    • (1)If a member does not use the KakaoTalk service for one (1) year, his/her personal information within KakaoTalk Service shall be destroyed, and the KakaoTalk Service will be terminated thereby.

  • A Daum service user who has not integrated his/her accounts into a Kakao account
    • (1)If the Daum service is not used for one year, the user status shall be changed to dormant, and his/her personal information shall be maintained separately.
    • (2)If the user does not log into the service for four (4) years after the separation, his/her personal information shall be destroyed, and the membership shall be withdrawn.
  • Differences between the Long-Term Service Use Inactivity Policy set forth herein and in each individual Service are listed as follows. In such an event, the Latter shall override the Former.
    • Kakao Talk Channel Service Operation Guide
    • kakao AdFit Service Operation Policy
    • Policy on handling KakaoTalk E-Documents which has been unused for a long time - Destruction of personal information and termination of the user agreement within the
      E-Document Service in the case that Kakao Account becomes inactive.
    • Policy on handling KakaoTalk e-certificates which have been unused for a long time - Destruction of personal information and termination of the user agreement within the e-certificate service in the case that Kakao Account becomes inactive.